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Essentials for Dog Friendly Hikes

Let me preface this by saying I am not professional. I am just a woman who hikes with her dog nearly every weekend. I am often asked what I bring on hikes with Kona (my 75lb pup) so I have compiled a list of my must-haves for dog friendly hikes. You can find all of these items on my Amazon Storefront.

All links are affiliate via Amazon - thanks for your support!

dog water bottle bowl

I have this water bottle for Kona and I LOVE it. It doubles as a bowl so it ends up taking up less space in my backpack. There is a switch to open/close the bottle so it doesn't leak and it holds 19oz of water - enough for a quick hike!

collapsible dog bowl

Before having the water bottle mentioned above, I used these collapsible dog bowls. They are awesome because not only do they collapse, but they also come with a clip to hang on the outside of your bag. Keeps any remaining water from getting your stuff wet!

I have tried a lot of options for Kona - leashes that go around the nose, prong collar, regular collar & leash, padded harness - and none of them have worked quite like this one. This harness allows me to keep control while allowing Kona to stay comfortable.

dog first aid kit for hikes

If there is one thing I have learned while on the road, it's that you should always be prepared. I keep this first aid kit in my hiking bag. A lot of this stuff can be used for humans, too!

This one should be obvious but I still felt the need to include it. POOP BAGS! I follow the Leave No Trace principles while outdoors which means taking all of your trash with you. This includes dog poop! Double bag it and toss it in the backpack to throw away when you're near a trash can.


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